
2022-06-08 Wed - Leetcode: 41. First Missing Positive

  • Didn't explore the brute force solution to know more about the problem and its proprieties.

2022-06-04 Sat - Leetcode: 32. Longest Valid Parentheses

  • Didn't think about edge cases before the first submission. Missed that could have a gap between \(i\) and the start of the longest valid parentheses which could make impossible to combine them.
  • Though about defining dfs(i) as the longest valid subsequence, but implemented as the longest valid subsequence starting on i or any position after that.
  • It was easier to think about the recursion after having is_open and is_close.

2022-06-03 Fri - Leetcode: 10. Regular Expression Matching

  • I didn't notice that the transition function could land on Kleene star pattern: s=aa and p=ab*a. In this case, transition(0)=[1,3] instead of just [1]. I received 3 wrong answers while fixing this bug. I found that creating functions like is_zero_or_more and expand were vital to continue to improve the solution.
  • I saw that plain recursion would result in exponential algorithm and didn't even considered trying to apply Dynamic Programming.


  • Check for Dynamic Programming even against your intuition. If both solution have the same time complexity, implement the easy one during the competition and both while studying.
  • Try to create small examples that exercises all possible transitions when working with Regular Expression problems.