Leetcode: 2158. Amount of New Area Painted Each Day
Problem Statement
from typing import List
class SegTree:
def __init__(self, left, right, count=0):
self.left = left
self.mid = left + (right - left) // 2
self.right = right
self.count = count
self.left_child = self.right_child = None
def add(self, left, right):
if self.right < left or right < self.left:
return 0
if self.is_full() or left <= self.left <= self.right <= right:
self.left_child = None
self.right_child = None
return self.count
self.left_child.add(left, right)
self.right_child.add(left, right)
before = self.count
after = self.count = self.left_child.count + self.right_child.count
return after - before
def is_full(self):
return self.count == self.right - self.left + 1
def fill(self):
self.count = self.right - self.left + 1
def _extend(self):
if self.left_child is None and self.left < self.right:
self.left_child = SegTree(self.left, self.mid)
self.right_child = SegTree(self.mid + 1, self.right)
if self.is_full():
def _print(self, level=0):
print(" " * level, (self.left, self.right), self.count)
if self.left_child:
self.left_child._print(level + 1)
self.right_child._print(level + 1)
class Solution:
def amountPainted(self, paint: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
st = SegTree(0, 50_000 + 1)
ans = []
for start, end in paint:
ans.append(st.add(start, end - 1))
return ans
assert Solution().amountPainted([[1, 4], [4, 7], [5, 8]]) == [3, 3, 1]
assert Solution().amountPainted([[1, 4], [5, 8], [4, 7]]) == [3, 3, 1]
assert Solution().amountPainted([[1, 5], [2, 4]]) == [4, 0]
- Can we use brute-force to solve the problem? The brute-force means painting every single point and for that the answer is no. But we can improve on the brute-force algorithm by tracking the next possible empty cell using an array \(nxt\). While processing \(paint[i]\), we can set \(nxt[paint[i].start]=nxt[paint[i].start+1]=..=nxt[paint[i].end-1]=paint[i].end\). So, the next time that we reach any of those cells, we can jump directly to \(nxt[paint[i].end]\).
class Solution:
def amountPainted(self, paint: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
N = len(paint)
nxt = [None for i in range(50_001)]
ans = []
for start, end in paint:
cur = 0
while start < end:
if nxt[start] is None:
nxt[start] = end
cur += 1
start += 1
nstart = nxt[start]
nxt[start] = max(nxt[start], end)
start = nstart
return ans
- Can we formulate the problem using graphs? The graph starts with \(m\) vertices and no edges. We process each paint on order and create the edges \((paint[i].start, paint[i].start+1), (paint[i].start+1, paint[i].start+2), ..., (paint[i].end-1, paint[i].end)\). While adding the edges to the graph, we keep track of the components created using Union-Find. Each component is rooted on the left-most position in the component. So, adding an edge \((u, u+1)\), we can jump to \(find(u+1)\) since it is the next available point to paint.
class Solution:
def amountPainted(self, paint: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
N = len(paint)
p = [i for i in range(50_001)]
ans = []
def find(a):
if p[a] == a:
return a
p[a] = find(p[a])
return p[a]
def union(a, b):
assert b > a
pa = find(a)
pb = find(b)
p[pa] = pb
return pb
for start, end in paint:
cur = 0
start = find(start)
while start < end:
start = union(start, start + 1)
cur += 1
return ans