Leetcode: 2437. Number of Valid Clock Times
Understand the problem
Count the number of valid time string by filling out the position with ?
Useful prompts
Devise a plan
In this problem, the Pattern: Small constraints could allow a brute-force solution. For each unknown position, we try to fill with numbers from 0 to 9. On the end, we count 1 if the time is valid or 0 otherwise. Time complexity is \(O(9^4)=O(1)\) and space is \(O(1)\).
Carry out the plan
class Solution: def countTime(self, time: str) -> int: if "?" not in time: return int(0 <= int(time[:2]) <= 23 and 0 <= int(time[3:]) <= 59) i = time.find("?") ans = 0 for d in range(ord("0"), ord("9") + 1): ans += self.countTime(time[:i] + chr(d) + time[i + 1 :]) return ans