Leetcode: 2476. Closest Nodes Queries in a Binary Search Tree
- Pattern: Tree Problem.
- Pattern: Binary Search Tree Problem.
- Pattern: Search for closest number of some kind.
- Pattern: Problem's constraints play big role on the solution. We can't traverse the tree for each query since it can be unbalanced (a long path).
The naive solution is traversing the tree to answer each query. The problem says the input is a Binary Search Tree, but there is no mention if it is balanced or not. If it is unbalanced, the naive approach would have complexity of \(O(n^2 \times m)\). This solution is too slow.
As traversing for each query is not an option, we can traverse the tree once and create a sorted array with its values (In-order Tree Traversal). The problem becomes answering the queries using the sorted array, and we can do it using a Binary Search to find the first element \(e\) that is equal or greater than the query \(q\). If \(q=a[e]\), the answer is \((q, q)\). If \(e=0\), all elements on the list are greater than \(q\) and the answer is \((-1, a[e])\). If \(e=n\), all elements on the list are smaller than \(q\) and the answer is \((a[e-1], -1)\). Otherwise, \((a[e-1],a[e])\) is the answer for the query. Time complexity is \(O(n \times m \log n)\) where \(m\) is the number of queries and \(n\) is the number of vertices. The space complexity is \(O(n)\).
class Solution: def closestNodes( self, root: Optional[TreeNode], queries: List[int] ) -> List[List[int]]: values = [] def dfs(node): if node is None: return dfs(node.left) values.append(node.val) dfs(node.right) dfs(root) N = len(values) ans = [] for q in queries: k = bisect_left(values, q) if k < N and values[k] == q: ans.append((q, q)) elif k == 0: ans.append((-1, values[k])) elif k == N: ans.append((values[k - 1], -1)) else: ans.append((values[k - 1], values[k])) return ans