Leetcode: 30. Substring with Concatenation of All Words

Problem statement can be found here.

Be \(s\) the string with length \(S\) and \(w\) the list of \(N\) words of length \(W\). The letter \(s[i]\) can be the start of a permutation that satisfy the problem. If so, then \(s[i+N]\) can also be the start of desired permutation if \(s[(i+N\times W)..(i+N\times W+W-1)]=s[i..i+W-1]\). This means that we can use a Sliding Window to expand a match to find the next one which is suffix of the previous. This observation is only true, because all words in \(w\) have the same length, which means that there is always one possible match. Even though the following implementation uses a Counter to store words in \(w\), it could have used a Trie for that.

from itertools import cycle
from collections import Counter

def match_word(s, i, w):
    j = 0
    while i < len(s) and j < len(w) and s[i] == w[j]:
        j += 1
        i += 1
    return j == len(w)

assert match_word("barfoothefoobarman", 0, "bar")
assert not match_word("barfoothefoobarman", 0, "foo")

def match_words(s, word_len, wc, start):
    ans = []
    seen = Counter()
    for j in range(start, len(s), word_len):
        w = s[j : j + word_len]
        if wc[w] - seen[w] <= 0:
    return ans

assert match_words("xyzabcbcd", 3, Counter(["bcd", "abc"]), 3) == ["abc", "bcd"]
assert match_words("xyzabcbce", 3, Counter(["bcd", "abc"]), 3) == ["abc"]

def solve(s, ws):
    S = len(s)
    N = len(ws)
    W = len(ws[0])
    wc = Counter(ws)
    ans = set()
    for i in range(S - N * W + 1):
        if i in ans:
        words_found = match_words(s, W, wc, i)
        if len(words_found) != len(ws):
        i += N * W
        for word in cycle(words_found):
            if i >= S or not match_word(s, i, word):
            ans.add(i - (N - 1) * W)
            i += W
    return ans

assert solve("barfoothefoobarman", ["foo", "bar"]) == {0, 9}
assert solve("barfoobarfoobarman", ["foo", "bar"]) == {0, 3, 6, 9}
assert solve("wordgoodgoodgoodbestword", ["word", "good", "best", "word"]) == set()
assert solve("barfoofoobarthefoobarman", ["bar", "foo", "the"]) == {6, 9, 12}

class Solution:
    def findSubstring(self, s: str, words: List[str]) -> List[int]:
        return list(solve(s, words))

assert Solution().findSubstring(
    "wordgoodgoodgoodbestword", ["word", "good", "best", "good"]
) == [8]